Password overload is causing a rise in biometric security

A survey has revealed that over half of 16-24 year olds will discard the use of passwords on their smart devices in exchange for biometric security such as fingerprints, facial recognition and retina scanning by 2020.

In a recently survey, 76% of participants said they are happy to use biometric security when making a payment online as they feel this will make order payment and processing a lot faster and easier. Having multiple passwords for each application on your device becomes hard to keep track of on a daily basis, so wouldn’t it be easier to use your fingerprint to log into these devices and to quickly process orders online?

Fingerprint scanning is the preferred method of verification for young adults and is predicted to be the most common method of identification by 2020. Facial recognition and retina scans are less popular to young adults, at present, as fingerprint recognition enables a more secure solution when processing payments or securing applications on your mobile device.

The majority of new mobile devices available on the market use these features and are being used by more people as a more secure method of using technology. In the near future we will see a major decrease in the use of passwords across all devices.

For more information on biometric security please visit the website of our sister company Unilink Software