Minimise downtime when moving offices

Are you looking to move offices this year? You may be looking to grow your business or do you think it’s time to move from your current location? Southbank IT support businesses that are looking to move to a new office no matter what the reason is.

Office relocation is not as simply as you may think!

Moving offices will have a big impact on your IT systems and telecoms and therefore a number of aspects need to be taken into consideration to ensure your systems are up and running on the first day in your new office. Many businesses rely on their IT systems and telephones to ensure their business runs accordingly, so ensuring these are correctly moved, setup and working is vital.

You need to consider the following points when planning and arranging an office move for your IT and telecoms systems:

  • Hire a specialist and trusted partner to manage the IT and telecoms move.
  • Plan the move and confirm exact the exact steps, dates and IT downtime to your businesses users and customers.
  • Arrange a safe and secure relocation of your IT & telecoms equipment.
  • Reconnection of the IT and Telecoms equipment in your new office.
  • Testing that all of the required IT and telecoms services are working by testing prior to the first official day in the new office.

Would you rather have a smooth office relocation? If so, contact Southbank-IT today.