Corporate Social Responsibility

In todays society the need for business’s to commit to the community and the environment is more important than ever and that is why Southbank-IT work hard to maintain a set of values and standards that are friendly to the environment. We feel the value of sustainability and corporate responsibility adds value to us as a business and to our employees.

It is our aim to reduce our carbon footprint in anyway we can therefore we;

  • Reduce waste – everything is recycled including our paper
  • Use digital documents
  • Reduce our energy output by switching off computers etc where-ever possible
  • Car pool when we can though most of our staff use public transport apart from our Managing Director who very proudly drives a BMW i3 electric car

Business in the community

  • We are accredited Investors in People 2013
  • We ensure all our employees are a fully aware and responsible workforce who have a solid network of reliable professionals to support them
  • We have pledged to meet the expectations and demands of our customers in a socially aware manner